In some cases it is helpful to provide your staff or third parties access to your hosting account. The preferred method for this is to create a secondary user account with only the privileges required to perform the duties necessary to do their job. This can help to protect against accidental changes and make changes in staff access easier to manage.
How to: Add a User Account
Click the Administration menu item if it is not already open.
Click the User Accounts menu item.
Enter the desired name in the Name text box.
Enter the desired E-Mail address in the E-Mail Address text box.
Enter the desired password into the Password text box.
Enter the same password again in the Confirm Password text box.
Select the desired language from the Language dropdown.
Click the ADD button.
Check the boxes next to the permissions you wish to give this user.
Click the ADD button.
How to: Delete a User Account
Click the Administration menu item if it is not already open.
Click the User Accounts menu item.
Click the DELETE button next to the User account you wish to delete.
Click the DELETE button under the ‘Confirm deletion of’ message.
How to: Edit a User Account
Click the Administration menu item if it is not already open.
Click the User Accounts menu item.
Click the EDIT button next to the User Account you wish to change.
If you wish to change the name, enter the desired name in the Name text box.
If you wish to change the E-mail address, enter the desired E-mail address into the E-mail text box.
If you wish to change the password, enter the desired password into the Password text box.
If you changed the password, enter the same password into the Confirm Password text box.
If you wish to change the language, select the desired language from the Language dropdown.
If you wish to change the status, select the desired status from the Status dropdown.
Check the boxes for the permissions you want the user to have.
Click the SAVE button.